How To Share A File Between A Computer And A Mobile Phone By Using WiFi

WiFi File Transfer

Basic needs 

  1. A Computer or a Laptop and a Smart Phone.
  2. A Wi-Fi Router and it should be connected to both devices or a Wi-Fi Hotspot Connection between two devices.
  3. Need to download CX file explorer app to your Smart phone.

Lets Start !

I am using a normal Wi-Fi router, a smart phone and a Laptop for this process. 

01. My smart phone and Laptop already connected to the Same Wi-Fi router.

02. Lets Configure the Computer first. Just create a folder. I named it as 123. Right click on it and go to folder properties. Go to the Sharing Tab. Click on share and Click on arrow and find everyone in the drop down list. click on add. Give the required permissions as you need. Click on Share. Then go back and click on advanced sharing on same folder properties. Tick/Check the box as share this folder. Then click on permissions and give permissions that you need and then click on Apply and Ok. See below Screenshots.

03. Now we need to do these things to your computer as well. Click on windows button, go to settings and click on network and Internet. Make sure that you are connected to  a Private Network. See below screenshots. 

04. Go back and Click on Network and Sharing Center on right side. Then click on Change advanced sharing settings. Then you need to turn on network discovery and file and printer sharing under Private drop down list. In All Networks drop down list, you need to turn off password protected sharing. 

05. Click on search bar and type CMD (Command Prompt) and click on it. Then type "ipconfig" command to find your Computer's IP address. Under wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi you can find your IPv4 address. Mine is

06. Lets do the required things to your smart phone. Download the app called Cx File Explorer from App store. Go to Network tab. Click on + icon. Go to remote tab and click on Local Network. Click on Manual Input. Give your PC's IP address. mine is Tick / Check Anonymous. then click on ok. Click on PC's IP address and try to copy and paste items to the shared folder. My shared folder name is 123. Now you can share items between your PC and Smart Phone easily. Please refer below screenshots.