Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Different Industries


What is Artificial Intelligence?

McCarthy and Minsky can be considered as the founders of the concept of Artificial Intelligence. They said that if a person does some activity that means he or she needs to apply human intelligence for that task, if the same activity can be performed through a program or a machine it can be described as an AI. 

AI systems have some human intelligence features like planning, speech, manipulation, learning, creativity, problem solving, perception, motion, knowledge representation, reasoning etc. Artificial Intelligence Programming is based on three main cognitive skills. They are learning, reasoning and self-correction. In modern world you can find AI mostly in applications such as speech recognition, natural language processing, expert systems and machine vision. E.g.: - Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, Autonomous (self-driving) vehicles like Tesla cars & Medical institutions like British National Health Service use AI programs.

Where AI Is Being Used

Today you can find lots of industries which take advantages from Artificial Intelligence and below I have explained about some of them. 

Unlike in old days, most of the online stores now use AI for sorting and finding best matching products according to your searching key words. Now you do not need to remember the exact name of a product, AI can find it for you easily. E.g.: - eBay, Amazon

It observes and examines previous searches for goods, reviews and comments that you have performed and millions of other searches conducted by similar users. Then sort out the best matching products for you. 


Most of the banks now use AI technologies for things like detect credit card frauds, irregularities and to provide customer care services. E.g.: - HDFC Bank’s EVA. This electronic virtual assistant already helped many people. It has the ability to interact with users by itself and provide solutions for them quickly (within 0.4 Seconds). It also has the self-learning ability integrated so it can learn from many sources.

AI technologies can be used to detect fraudulent transaction patterns and prevent card frauds. E.g.: - Master Card, RBS WorldPay

Finance / Stock Trading

Trading depends on analyzing and by predicting future patterns within a market. In old days data scientists and computers helped to do this forecast. Nowadays finance companies use AI technologies to do this. AI help them to increase performance of the stock trading and the profit. E.g.: - Nomura Securities has a new stock trading system which use AI technologies. This was developed by analyzing the decisions and ideas of many skillful stock traders. It contains many trading data and price details and it can use those data to demine how the future trading market changes will happen.


AI can help farmers to get maximum from their lands while using minimum of resources. We have to look for new ideas to face the issues like population growth, increase of weeds and insects, climate changes and food preservation issues. Nowadays you can find that companies innovate automation and robotics combined with AI to provide more features for farmers to face these issues. E.g.: - PEAT company developed an application called Plantix to detect lack of soil nutrition & other defects.  It uses the images taken by user’s smartphone camera and provide facts and solutions. The company says that this app is accurate about 95%.

Health Care

Health care industry is also a field which is benefiting from AI technologies. These AI technologies help to provide better services for patients. You do not need to develop new medication systems to use with AI based systems. The benefit is that you can use current medication systems along with AI systems. E.g.: - Cambio health care has a clinical decision support system to detect heart strokes of a patient. This system able to give warnings for doctors that if a person has a risk of a getting heart stroke. Coala life company also has developed a new device to detect cardiac diseases. 


We can say that AI is very powerful in modern gaming industry. E.g.: - DeepMind’s AlphaGo software. This software was able to beat the world champion of the GO game. Then they developed an advanced new version called AlphaGo Zero. This new version able to learn the game over time by itself.

If you are a gaming fan you must have heard about the game F.E.A.R (First Encounter Assault Recon). It is a first-person shooting game which use AI technologies. Enemies in this game do learn over the time and never do the same mistakes again. So, the actual players need to change strategies and methods constantly.

Space Exploration

Kepler telescope and many more devices already collected vast amount of data that actual humans cannot process. So now they use AI to analyses these data. NASA is also using these AI technologies. They have dispatched a new rover called the AEGIS to Mars planet. This rover has the ability of targeting camera autonomously to conduct investigations on Planet. 

Autonomous Vehicles

Nowadays you can find vehicles which use AI technologies to provide self-driving facilities. E.g.: - Waymo cars. AI on these cars use radars, cameras, GPS and cloud services to create signals and make it function. They also use advanced deep learning algorithms to predict the other drivers/vehicles actions. Tesla is also using this AI technologies for their self-driving cars. They also expect to provide a Robo-taxi service in near future. These AI has image detection, deep learning and computer vision. 


There lots of virtual assistants that you can find nowadays which help you to perform many tasks easily. E.g.: -Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, Amazon’s Echo

Amazon’s Echo has the ability of speech recognition and use NLP to do many tasks through voice command. It can control lights, turn on A/Cs and control many other devices, make phone calls, book cabs, order foods, check whether conditions etc.

Social Media

You have to know that if there is lots of data, it is most likely to have an AI integrated to perform tasks. Facebook uses facial recognition based with AI technologies. It uses machine and deep learning to do this. Deep Learning is used to obtain every minute detail from an image by using few deep neural networks, While Machine learning algorithms are used to project what you see based on your interests.

Twitter is also using an AI to detect hate speech and terroristic using of words. It uses machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural language processing (NLP) to filter above mentioned things within tweets. With the help of this AI, Twitter abled to find and remove more than 300 000 accounts.

AI Usage In Manufacturing Industry

AI Usage In Manufacturing Industry

As I explained in earlier AI is being used in many industries. Likewise, it is growing in manufacturing industry by providing industrial automation. This helps manufacturing industry to have many benefits like provide new opportunities, increase production and its efficiency, lower the overall cost etc. With the help of AI, you can lower the need of manufacturing experts, face the difficulty in decision making, resolve issues related to integration and overloaded information. You can believe that in near future manufacturing industries will use AI for supply chain, design team, production line, and quality control and for other sections. 

Below I have explained how AI is being used within Manufacturing Industry;

Directed Automation

Many modern manufacturing industries use AI and Robots to increase the mass production. Because of this manufacturing industries are able to minimize the human errors, ensure product quality, build automation solutions, face the competence, perform activities with minimum usage of time, and design the production models etc.  

24x7 Production

Humans need time to think and then can perform a task. Also, humans need rest. By using AI robots manufacturing industries are able to perform 24/7 production and satisfy the customer needs. This helps manufacturing industries have a rapid growth. 

Safer Operational Environment

Sometimes workers need to perform dangerous tasks and tasks which need more labor. By using AI, manufacturing industries able to replace workers and conduct day to day activities and as well as risky, laborious activities and ensure the operation environment is safe.

New Opportunities for Humans

As I said earlier AI can be used to perform day to day tasks. Then other employees can focus on other complex and innovative activities. That means more opportunities. 

Lower Operating Costs

It can be costs highly to invest in AI. However, after establishing AI within manufacturing company it will significantly lower the operating costs.

The Trends of Manufacturing Industry With Emerging AI

In old days we used computer visualization for quality assurance. But today you do not need to have workers to enter data for computers, as there are AI systems with computer vision. These systems can decide how the information is being gathered. E.g.: - A worker gets raw material from stock and the camera within the stock area will detect it and create stock transaction automatically. You do not need to put thing in to the system AI will automatically perform this.

AI can be used with Internet of Things (IoT). Through this manufacturing industries can deliver supplies and services for customers who may not know that they need these things. It also can send data for producers and distributors to inspect quality and factors that can cause troubles. This helps in improving product and in improved reproductive design processes.

v  Below I have mentioned some statistical information of Artificial Intelligence.

  • By 2035 AI have the impending to rise in production 40% or more.
  • By 2035 AI will increase the economic growth on 16 industries from an average of 1.7%.

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